Join Us, or Renew Your Membership
We have several membership options, listed below. Your membership allows our all-volunteer organization to honor the memory and artwork of José Moya del Pino and preserve the history of the Town of Ross through our research library, educational programs, and exhibitions. We welcome your questions at or you can contact Joe Barton directly at 415 235-9162.
If you prefer not to submit payment information online, you may mail a check to: Moya-RHS, PO Box 1157, Ross, CA 94957.
Also please join our mailing list, follow us on Facebook, and subscribe to our You Tube channel!
We are grateful to our members for their support!
We sincerely thank those of you who have already joined us as members, sponsors or patrons. We appreciate your membership and your support for our activities and the maintenance of our archives. Our generous contributors allow our all-volunteer organization to honor the memory and artwork of José Moya del Pino and preserve the history of the Town of Ross through our research library, educational programs, and exhibitions.
For the benefit of our members, we prefer not to auto-renew memberships. Therefore if you haven't yet, please become a member, renew your membership, or contribute to the José Moya del Pino Library ~ Ross Historical Society today so we may continue our unique mission!
In 2024, we continued our important community and historical work, including:
Hosting seven memorable and well-attended speaker programs and a garden luncheon at the Marin Art & Garden Center;
Displaying historical photos during the 4th of July festivities at the Ross Common;
Responding to inquiries and assisting historians, homeowners, students and many others with their research about the Town of Ross and its history;
Searching for a permanent home to preserve and display our collection of historical photos, artwork, documents, books and other artifacts related to José Moya del Pino and the Town of Ross;
Participating in public events hosted by Ross Auxiliary, Ross Property Owners Association (RPOA) and the Town of Ross; and
Providing guest speakers, historic Ross photos and other support to the RPOA, local libraries, museums, historical societies, and other organizations.
Please become a member or renew your membership today. And contact us to learn about rewarding volunteer opportunities, including becoming a member of our Board of Trustees, helping on our speaker series, participating in local events, and securing a permanent home for our library of historical materials and artwork.
Thank you for your valuable support. You truly make a difference!
The Board of Trustees
Joe Barton • Paola Coda • Tom Gaffney • Hal Sherley • Richard Torney
Moya-RHS is a non-profit organization, which welcomes donations to fulfill our mission. Your membership and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID number is 94-2885102.